Welcome to my corner

Hey, I’m Eila. Somehow, you’ve made your way to my blog. Thanks for being here!

I’m a regular person with a regular desk job who gets intensely, deeply obsessed with creative projects. This is my outlet to share my latest passions. You can expect to see content on sewing, getting outdoors, my search for meaning in life and whatever else I happen to feel like writing about on a given weekend.

Getting off the algorithm

For me, the internet lately has lost it’s sparkle. The addictive algorithms, soulless and attention diminishing video loops, race to the bottom in terms of punchy, controversial content, and the general disengagement and decrease in updates from people that I know and care about has me OVER it!

It’s time to try a new way of connecting and sharing online. I’m taking a first step by starting this Substack - so that I can share thoughtful, attention enhancing stories with you. I hope you will join me!

Why subscribe?

Subscribe to be added to my mailing list. Every weekend when I post to the blog, you will receive my writing direct to your inbox. It’s spam-free, ad-free, and also free-of-charge. I appreciate your support, it means a lot!

Subscribe to Dark Pine

Foray with me into the backcountry; let's commune under the watchful eyes of a dark pine. Lifestyle blog with a focus on DIY projects, plus thoughts on how to live in modern society while remaining connected to our selves and nature.


I like to make stuff and be outside and move my body and eat good food